Welcome Y'all

Hopefully the name of this blog speaks for itself. I envision it being one of humor, exhortation, random musings, theological discussion, sports, and things that impact my life and could bless yours. Sometimes it might be a verse or a funny story, a sports score that has me up in arms or a profound truth that has hit me. I pray you find your visit here blessing your heart.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Album Update - Pressing On

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The CD has gone to press!!!!!
I gave final approval today for the inside booklet, inside cover, back cover and disc art.


God is good!

(I think I am going to sell tickets!!! -- The good ones, of course.)

Friday, December 5, 2008

There's a new drama in town...

... and I'm talking about tickets. Not the good kind of tickets ... you know, the tickets I got to the Travis Cottrell, Cindy Morgan, Shawn Groves concert on Thursday night are called the good kind of tickets. The Carrie Underwood tickets that I had on hold and forgot to purchase until I wanted to check my seats and realized my seats were now out in the parking lot of the Sommet Center on the night of the concert. Those would have been the good kind of tickets. The tickets to see Dorothy Hamill and her wedge haircut at the Ice Capades back in '77, those are good tickets (back in '77).

No, that's not the kind of tickets I am talking about.

You know...


Let me backtrack... as the two of you know who read this blog (or at least admit to reading this blog), I have moved in the last several weeks to some new diggs. They are great. I seriously am enjoying the roommate thing, the condo thing, even the downsizing thing. I am NOT digging the parking thing. And, because of the parking thing, I am not digging the neighbor thing either unfortunately.

I live in a three bedroom condo. There is one driveway and one car garage. It is not my condo and therefore, not my garage to park in which I am totally down with. Totally. I've never had a garage so this is normal to me. So, I park on the street. Along with MANY other people. The street is full of parked cars. I work late a lot and I got home around 8:30 a couple of weeks ago. Parked across the street fairly close to a stop sign but probably at least half a car length away from it. Maybe it was too close but the next morning, I get a piece of notebook paper on my car that says...

OK. Pretty much I've got two comments for that.

1) SO sorry for blocking the egress of traffic! Truly, I am.

2) What in the lulu is egress of traffic?

I know, I know... egress and ingress. I asked around. Anyway, so someone feels pretty solidly about the egress of traffic and I clearly am oblivious. For this, I am truly sorry and would love to apologize in person but, shockingly, they didn't leave their name on my sweet note.

So, I get home two nights ago and there were no places available in front of my condo. No biggie. I figure that the motto is "First Come, First Served" sorta like "Luby's Cafeteria" and I am also down with that. I go find another parking place and park about three doors dawn in the street. I get my things, walk to my condo and go upstairs to change. My roommate calls me after 3 minutes and says, "You have to go move your car."


"Because that girl just car down here and fussed about you having your car parked in front of her condo."

"Wait... what? She doesn't want me parking in front of her condo? It is a public street. Where am I supposed to park?"

I was told to go park in front of our driveway of which I was not going to do because of the pain it would cause in the morning. I did go move my car but I was scratching my head the whole time wondering how someone can actually expect on a public street for no one to park in front of their condo. Please help with this... seriously.

I come home last night at around 10:36. I used my good tickets and went with my good friend to see Travis, Cindy and Shawn who were really good! When I got back, of course, it was late on Thursday night. There was no place in front of my condo and I knew that I couldn't park in front of that lady's condo three doors down. So, I parked two doors down on the opposite side of the street.

I left my house this morning to go to work and when I got to my car, TWO pieces of paper. First paper said,

Please do not park you car here!

If you park here again, your car will be towed!

WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?! What is up with the peeps on my street? The street is lined with cars bumper to bumper and they will tow my car if I park in front of their condo? Totally don't get that.

Second piece of paper said,


DOUBLE WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! What in the world am I getting a parking ticket for? I can vaguely read the offense - "...car ... more than 12".... curb".

I immediately called the police station (No, not 911 - I know you are wondering given my history with the rat) and spoke with multiple cops (one who sounded VERY similar to a good "law enforcement" officer in Alabama). Basically, the Bama cop told me that if I got a ticket in a residential area, it was 99% probability that someone had called them out to the car and asked them to write a ticket because they RARELY write a ticket in residential areas for parking unless it is a blatant error.

But, I got one and my sweet neighbor decided it was not enough that he call the cops and have them write a ticket but he needed to write his little love note about towing my car next time as well. Thanks for the heads up, Buddy.

Anyway, it is only $10 so it is not a big deal really but just in case you haven't heard, we are in a recession and that is $10 I could put towards... well anything I want. It's the principle

I need comments, ideas, validation... Am I crazy or what? How do they have any leg to stand on? Can he really have my car towed? I am I supposed to park in Kentucky and walk in or what? There is no designated parking. No painted parking spots, assigned or otherwise. Everyone lines the streets. I don't know...

And another question... the cop was clearly tired or hadn't had his doughnut and coffee last night at 11:56 PM when he wrote the ticket because the date on the ticket was December 12, 2008. When I told the Lt. I talked to today on the phone the date on the ticket, he said, "So, I guess he was predicting that you will be breaking the law on December the 12 at 11:56 PM, huh?" Is this ticket even valid if the info is wrong?

Am I in some twilight universe where Thursdays are actually Tuesdays and "public" means "get off" and neighbors are not neighborly? I feel like a little frog who all of a sudden feels like my backside is starting to bubble.... and I can't feel my legs...

Seriously, Daron... I know you have thoughts on this if you still read this blog? Amy, ask Jim. Alicen, have Scott crunch numbers. Mandy, have Mark build me a carport with his new designer brinks please. Charles... get the phone.

P.S. Travis was fantastic last night. His "Jesus Saves" live was UNBELIEVABLE! Go see the concert if they come to your area. Just watch where you park. :)

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Toll of Beauty - Military Style

So let's talk about eyebrows, shall we?

I wish I could include a picture of today's subject of discussion but unfortunately for each of you, I am not fully "staffed" in the area of computer-graphic-to-blog manipulation. Therefore, you will have to channel me, my facial expressions, my tone of voice and my ridiculous antics to really get the feel of how this all went down. I welcome you to a little piece of my world.

So Saturday, I decide that I need a manicure. I don't need anything fancy. I just need my cuticles to quit overgrowing my fingernails. (Besides that, I read on Yahoo, society's foremost take on all things culturally appropriate and true, that hands are one of the four things that men notice on a woman. Now, I'm not going to say that this is bogus but let's just say that I have NEVER heard this (Hands) are even in the running for the top four things a man notices in a woman. EVER. I'm just sayin... However, let's assume that this is absolutely and completely, 100% true, I'm willing to do my part and help this train down the tracks. You just never know...)
So, I go to my buddy Robby over at the nail place. Maybe it's Bobby. Who can tell? Perhaps Robby to some, Bobby to others. To me, "Hand man" or "Nail guy".

**Side note** No offense intended by this but who here is highly suspicious of men who do nails... for a living? That's exactly what I thought. I just saw all your highly manicured hands go up. And your hands look good... why? Because many of you have had a man do your nails and men surprisingly do a very nice job. Not that I thought they couldn't do a nice job. However, I have tended toward lower expectations for men who paint nails for a living. I guess I'm sexist. I also think women are not as strong as men. So sue me. Back to the story...

Mr Hand man tells me to come over and he will do my nails and then, in this order, he begins to question me...

What's your name again?

What do you do?
"I'm a speech language pathologist. I work with kids at Vanderbilt."

"Do you know your nails look terrible?"

"Ummm... well, that is why I am here."

"You want your eyebrows done, too? Oooooo... have you been messing with your eyebrows?"

"Ummmm... no, I don't think so.

"I don't do much to them except pluck a few here and there as needed."

Have you met your soulmate?

(Yes, it was that abrupt, that personal and that weird! What am I supposed to say?

So, he heard...)

** PAUSE**

"Ummm... well I guess not." (That is also why I am here -Thanks Yahoo!)

"Well, what's wrong with him?"

In that one statement, he sold an eyebrow job, a lip job and a paraffin wax.

No joke.

Kind words will get you everywhere with me.

He finishes my nails and they look good but he doesn't want to touch my eyebrows because he is the "hand man" and not the "brow bro". I'm down with that. I think it is good that everyone realize their strengths and weaknesses. I've got weaknesses. My peeps have got 'em. "Hand man"'s got 'em and his are called eyebrows. However, he knows, and is married to, by the way, the "Brow Guru", the "Arch Angel", the "Great White Hope for Stray Hairs". That's right. In the same salon (And the same household it appears) cosmetic greatness has gathered together for some serious beautification of some women looking for soulmates. What are the chances that I, little ol' Christi, would happen upon such a place? One answer will suffice. God.

"Hand Man" sends me to his "Arch Angel" for her to work magic on my eyebrows which, to some, appear to have been messed with. She is friendly and happy and a busy little bee. Wearing a totally cute sweater - wanted to ask where she got it but after the soulmate question, I felt like we were treading on thin ice with regards to appropriate boundaries between a girl and her hoof and hair people and I for one, did not want to be the one to cross it.

She had me come over and sit down. I immediately said,
"I really don't want them too thin."

"Oh no, I not make them too thin."

"No, really. I really and truly don't want them too thin".

"No, no, no, no, no, I say I not make them too thin."

"Well, it's really important to me that they not be too thin."

"I know, you say not too thin. I not make them too thin."

Well, you know what happened....(Yeah, you THINK you do....)

I lean back and she starts putting wax above my eye brows. Ohhhh, she's one of THOSE Arch Angels. She's a top and bottomer. However, as she begins to slather the wax, she drags her popsicle stick down my hairline almost to my cheekbone. Immediately, I am thinking, I would prefer not to be snatched bald-headed in this eyebrow endeavor.


Yeah. It hurts. We all have been there, ladies. AND, we all know it is NO WAY going to hurt as much as the lip rip so I can handle this and so can my hairline.

Left side, (strong side) sequence happens again. Top of the brow, drag to my cheekbone and take the first 1/2 inch of my hairline with it.

Now the fun is wearing off and I know it is going to get worse before it gets better. It just usually does in most cases. No exception here. Bottom of the brows and right side starts. She slathered the wax underneath my eyebrow and as she sticks the strip of paper on the wax, I raise my eyebrow just a hair (literally) and she says...



Ok, so I should have known better, but honestly, more than perfect eyebrows, I want to you, my little Arch Angel, to quit yelling at me with hot wax hanging over my face on a flimsy popsicle stick. I would prefer a little extension of grace while you are scalding the top layer of skin off my eye, which is known by so many of us to be one of a most sensitive place on your face. But, as we all know, it is not about me and what I want.
So, she moves to the other eyebrow, same scenario without the literally hair raising eyebrow. I'm a quick study. You don't have to tell me more than once (usually). So we are waxed on the top and bottom of the brows and then she says,
"Oh my geesh. You brows need a haircut."
She says this while I have my hands in paraffin wax covered with plastic bags and potholders and I have no way of stopping her as she is leaning over me in a reclining chair with hot wax on a popsicle stick and threatening to cut my brows. What do you do?
So she begins...
She brushes my eyebrow up and takes her scissors and begins to cut.
LADIES, do you remember when you were a little girl and your mom cut your bangs on Saturday night before church on Sunday? She told you to stay still and you believed her because she was cutting so dangerously close to your eyes that you thought she might cut your eye lashes off. And that sound of cutting - dull scissors on dry hair right near your eyes. Man, that must have made a pretty powerful impression because I had a full on hallucination of that time when I was 5 right there in the Arch Angel's chair.
Now, I want to make a distinction. When you go for a trim, the scissors snip your hair. When you go for a donation for locks of love haircut, they chop your hair. When you go in for an eyebrow wax, there should be no chopping. There should be AT MOST, snipping at the most minuscule level. "AA" cut those puppies and I do mean cut.
I want you to go back and count the number of cuts she made.
Yeah. SEVEN.
Friends, look at my picture on the right of this post. Does it truly look like I could afford SEVEN CUTS on ONE EYEBROW? I don't have a unibrow. I don't have eyebrows long enough to style. I now have no eyebrow.
The same thing happened on the left side to which I just began internally rocking back and forth hoping amongst hope that she hopefully has good taste in eyebrow grooming. I look at hers while she has me in a body hold, scissors in hand, wax dripping....
Three words...
The event was traumatic and there's more to it but I just can't go further. I looked in the mirror after it was over and the one that I moved the hairs breadth on, was thinner than the other one. I mentioned it and she said, "Oh yeah. Well, that one already messed up."
Oh yes. She said it!
Anyway, I walked around all day and wondered why I was being saluted throughout the day. I got home and realized that I had a military brow cut. They are officially buzzed. Not buzzed off and for that I am grateful, but buzzed nonetheless. I woke up the next day and looked like a 7 year old little boy with a burr haircut who slept on it wrong and needed water to calm the cowlick (sp?) down. I seriously had to spend 6 minutes on my eyebrows yesterday morning to try and gain some semblance of regularity above my eyes.
My only hope is that, for as some of you know, hair growth is not a problem for me. I just have to hang on and soon and very soon we will have full on GIRLY eyebrows.
I just can't wait until they're long enough to braid.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Prayers: Answered and Unanswered

So, just to run down a few things of the recent past...

- Work is still extremely busy as usual, but with a few tweaks here and there, it is strikingly not taking as long to accomplish my daily goals and objectives. ** Answered prayer**

- I am finally getting somewhat settled in my new abode -clearly another example of the Lord's doing. I am enjoying the "lay of the land", so to speak, from general geographical area, to neighborhood, to actual condo floorplan. The provisions are more than I could have expected and generally more than I dared to hope. **Answered prayer**

- I have been feeling like the Lord is nudging me to start a bible study at work. Fear runs amuck honestly to imagine that undertaking. I prayed about it and asked the Lord to start opening doors if this is what He wants me to continue pursuing. Two days later, the new girl in my office and I have began talking and broached the subject of church and spirituality. It appears that she might be a believer! I immediately was reminded about my prayer about opening doors. Two days later, we continued discussing religion a little here and a little there and I got brave and mentioned that I was thinking about having a bible study at work during lunch one day a week. She said that she was totally on board with doing a bible study. I expect to start this in Early 2009. **Answered prayer**

- For some reason unknown to me, it appears that the Lord is financially supporting me in ways that I would have never suspected in many random ways. TOTALLY don't get that! SO HAPPY about that! I have praying for ways to save money recently and over the next several months. **Answered prayer**

- I am trusting that I have correct information in that THE ALBUM is actually on its last leg around the block. Seriously. I have received the final graphic and copy for my final approval before going to press. Seriously. I know. I didn't believe it either. I don't have it in my hand but I have been quoted that December is THE month! Just gotta get that proofing in before Thanksgiving. YAY!!!! **Answered prayer**

- I have two other major areas of concern right now as some of you know. However, I find myself being confident in Christ and Him exclusively through these issues. I find myself trusting and believing more with everyday that He has never left the throne of grace. In spite of me and not because of me, He is working and will glorify Himself and I am seeing the glorious riches of His grace. I don't always feel this to be the case, but I know this to be the case and because of this, I can rest securely in His sovereignty.

For He has done and all He is going to do...

Praise the Lord.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Colors Inside the Lines

I've been thinking...

When seeing a picture for the first time, would you rather see the image initially in color or in black and white? I think of the black and white photographs as ushering in framework, the concept, the purpose or the point. I seem to find the reason, the main idea, the critical elements in a black and white photo. Color adds clarity for me. It brightens the palette and brings emotion. It adds cohesiveness and bridges gaps between the "studs". The color changes the picture in aesthetic elements but does it, or SHOULD it change its structural elements? Does it shift your attention to style and away from substance?

What about in life? Are things always in black in white or are there truly shades of grey? Do the black and white issues of our day and in our lives build the framework for the parameters by which we choose to live? Does "color" or the extraneous things change those issues so much that it begins to change our foundational structure of who we are as people? What about as Christians? Or does color add a dimension of humanism that makes us who we are or who we should be? Should our lives be more about style or substance?

Sometimes it seems that if we allow it, the range of colors or shades of grey, could cloud the real point of the matter. Can the options of color distract us enough off of the main foundational principles and framework that we begin majoring on the minors and ignoring the majors?

Does this make sense to anyone but me? Am I totally off the mark on this? Thoughts? Comments...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Weapon of Mass Destruction

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood,
but against the rulers,
against the authorities,
against the cosmic powers over this present darkness,
against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
Ephesians 6:12
God's word pronounces in no uncertain terms that it is not the out-of-control driver, the hard-to- please parent, the unfair teacher or the unpredictable younger brother or sister that we struggle with.
It IS, in fact, bigger than any one person.
It is bigger than your situation.
It is bigger than THE catastrophic event.
It is bigger than the chronic irritation.
It is Satan.
He is real as your own heartbeat.
He is as present as the air your breathe.
He is here as I type and you read.
Trying to confuse, irritate, frustrate, annoy, anger...
He's not just after them.
HE is after YOU!
Don't be deceived!
He is fierce. He is subtle. He is overpowering.
And he IS targeting you...
Aunts, Bosses, Communicators, Deacons, Elders, Friends, Grandparents, High-Ranking Officials, Insiders, "Jokers", Kindergarteners, Lovers, Mothers, Neighbors, Old-Timers, Pastors, acQuaintances, Reporters, Sisters, Teachers, Uncles, Visitors, Wedding attendants, eXamples, Young adults, Zamboni drivers...
And everyone else from A to Z -
including me...
(most definitely me)
Praise the Lord though...
He WILL be overcome!
But ONLY by prayer...
not withdrawal,
not harsh verbal attacks,
not counselors,
not through our self-controlled will.
Only by prayer...
early morning,
late at night,
on your knees,
in your bed,
at the table,
at your desk,
in the car,
completely sold out,
Join me, will you?
Do you have the luxury of a choice?
Even still, Lord, please come...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Jesus Loves the Little Children, All the Little Children of the World

I wanted to share some really exciting news with everyone about my family clan! We are, hopefully, expecting two new little presents for Christmas this year. These are not just any presents but the kind that will eat fruit snacks, drink Kool-aid, give messy kisses and big bear hugs. The Lord has blessed our family with a referral from Ethiopia for two little kiddos who are actually first cousins but will now be brother and sister by adoption. My sister and brother-in-law have made the decision to adopt these little ones and bring them into our family for us to love and care for them. They have been patiently waiting for around two years for this adoption process to finally achieve fruition, and finally, only a few days ago, they received a call saying that all the waiting had paid off. They were finally going to see two of the greatest gifts the Lord has chosen for them. There are some logistical things that are underway as we speak, but hopefully will result in the swift culmination of the adoption process and them coming home to us. I understand that when the call came in, my sister was unbelievably beside herself, as probably most of us would be after waiting that long for something we wanted so bad. She is probably one big heap of emotions wanting to laugh in joy and in the next moment wanting to cry in worry for them until they actually hold them in their arms.

It is an enormous responsibility to take on two children in such a quick period of time. Even if they are your own biological children it would be a lot but perhaps even that much more when they are from a completely different culture and background. They are surely feeling the responsibility to provide for them physically but also to raise them into godly children who will hopefully follow the Lord for years and years. A huge responsibility, but what a great privilege to witness the glory of God through two very different sets of eyes. What a blessing for them to touch these two children and show them that Jesus loves them and teach them God's Word. I have thought about what the Lord is going to do with these two children in our family since I heard the news and I can only come up with exciting and wonderful things that only He knows and has yet to reveal to us. We wait in anticipation trusting in the Lord at all times knowing that He has sovereignly ordained this opportunity and created these children for such a time as this. (Esther 4:14)

I wanted to post this exciting news and ask for you to please pray for them as they endeavor to bring these children back into their home and raise them along side their other two children, Isabella and Elijah. I know that as exciting this time is for them, there will surely be growing pains as is normal in this type of situation. There are several things I ask that you bring before the Lord when He brings it to your mind.

  1. I ask that you pray that God will provide them with wisdom to know how to handle the day to day activities with 4 children instead of 2.
  2. Please pray for the compassion of other people to bless Kimberly with time away from the children at times for renewal and refreshment.
  3. Please pray for Brad that he will be a strong Daddy who will be able to have some quality time with all 4 of the children and still make time for Kimberly. Then there is other responsibility for provision of the family....
  4. Please pray that all the children would engage easily with each other and begin forming the family bond quickly. I am praying for an extra measure of patience for Isabella and Elijah when they do not have their Mommy and Daddy all to themselves like they have had for 5 and 6 years up to this point.
  5. Please pray especially for our family as we are adjusting to two new little ones as this new journey impacts all of us since we love Kimberly, Brad, Isabella and Elijah so much. Pray that it would draw us closer as a family and that we would be able to encourage, support and enjoy each other through life's little ups and downs that will inevitably happen.
  6. Above all, please pray that God will be glorified in the words we speak and the actions we take. I pray for our examples to these children and pray that they would see Jesus in us - in our eyes, our hearts and throughout out lives.

I am so happy for our new little babies and can't wait for what the Lord will do with our family over the next several months and years to come. I pray for a healthy transition for them and us. This is an exciting time and one that we will remember for the rest of our lives, I'm sure.

Welcome to our family, Little Ones!

We can't wait to meet you!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Books, Books and More Books (Update)

In March, I put out a list of books that I would like to read for this year. The list was ambitious, I know, but I love reading and think it is so important to keep my mind sharp and open to new vocabulary, concepts and thought processes which help shape my own ways of thinking.

I have made a dent in my list and actually veered away from my list in some cases to include other books not listed. Some of them have been very quick reads and others have been more difficult to digest in a short period of time for me.

Mid year winners:

Top Read: (tie)
Choosing Forgiveness - Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Biblical Womanhood in the Home - Nancy Leigh DeMoss (editor)

Both of these books were excellent reads and ones that inspired me to makes changes in my life.
Based on my last post, Choosing Forgiveness really appealed to where I am spiritually and have been going through personally. Very convicting book and one that is full of godly truth and wisdom that is not brutal but fair and honest. I highly recommend this book for anyone who has a pulse and interacts with anyone at anytime. Yes, that would be you.

Biblical Womanhood in the Home, edited by Miss DeMoss, is a short read but packed with very practical and insightful principles for women no matter what state you are in: young or older, single or married, with or without kids. I also highly recommend this book as well for women who are looking to strengthen their sphere of influence in their home for godly purposes.

Quickest Read:
Quiet Strength - Tony Dungy

I read this book in one night. It is not the shortest read (think mapquest - not the shortest route but the quickest), but one that I appreciated because I love sports, football and I really respect the Indianapolis Colts organization. I enjoyed reading about Coach Dungy's unlikely path to Head Coach of the Super Bowl champion Colts and the way that God utilized him all along the way in the lives of other people. I respect him tremendously after reading his story and believe that he is an example of perseverance under pressure. Great for the sports nut.

Heaviest Read:
God is the Gospel - John Piper

I completed this book in a bible study early in the year and it was one that made me think. I know there are some that really love Piper and others that don't enjoy reading him at all. I enjoy him but I always "gird up" when I begin a new book of his because I know he will change my way of thinking and approach things differently than I tend to come at things. I enjoy the challenge of rethinking topics that have been ingrained in me from the time I was a child and tackling them from a different perspective. It is one book that I will be reading again and using for reference often.

I have now read 12 books and am in the middle of 3 more. I am certain that, if the Lord allows, I will read my 20 books, but now my list has grown to 38 books for the year. I am also quite certain that there is NO WAY I can read all 38 books by the end of this year. This is not including my Bible reading. I am going to make a valiant effort.

I will open the floor again. Are there any books that you have read that you would like to recommend? Doesn't matter the topic - can be frivolous, easy reads or those that you think you will read over and over again for years to come.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Awaiting Restoration

Hi Friends ~

I know that the upkeep of this blog has been sporadic at best. I love the accessibility it gives me to each of you and you to me even when life gets in the way. I love my little space to be able to put words to my thoughts and feelings and know that it adds a degree of stability to them rather than allowing them to swirl around in my mind. Thanks for indulging me in this avenue of thought processing, creativity, and random musing that needs a place to land. Please forgive the inconsistency of it all.

Those of you that I speak to regularly know that this year has been a difficult year. I have struggled in many areas of life that are, at times, to difficult to speak of; at other times, too difficult not to speak of. Please know that I appreciate your listening ears and supportive statements. I know there are a handful of you that are praying and I sincerely appreciate your love at this time.

In all honesty, these ongoing situations have been some of the most painful in my life. Thankfully, this confirms that I have a very blessed life since given a different perspective through the looking glass, one might not agree with the severity of the circumstances and or the overall effect of them on a person. However, I don't always know how to deal with the pressing truths that appear to confirm themselves each day. I don't understand the apathy. I don't understand the unforgiveness. I don't understand the dissatisfaction. I don't understand the seeming dissolution of relationships I have held so dear. I don't.

BUT GOD... in His infinite mercy and love and wisdom, does.

He knows how to right the wrongs.

He knows how to clothe the naked.

He knows how to feed the hungry.

He knows how to provide for the needy.

He knows how to change hearts.

He knows how to humble the proud and bring strength to the weary.

He knows.

He knew back 2000 years ago as well.

He knew how to test the heart of Abraham with Isaac on the alter.

He knew how to providentially choose a wife for Isaac.

He knew how to reconcile Jacob and Esau.

He knew the future of Joseph and his 11 brothers -
Orchestrated Joseph's dream,
The brothers' jealousy,
Their discarding of family relationships,
Joseph's numerous trials and testings,
His unlikely rise to power,
His brothers's request for assistance meeting physical needs,
Their compassion toward their family,
The revelation of Joseph and the restoration of a family -
Brother to brother and father to son.

As my pastor said this morning, quoting from a sermon by R.C. Sproul called "The Cry of a Baby", that the Lord knows how to place the entirety of His promised people, the Israelites, and send it down the Nile in a papyrus basket. Again, orchestrating the cry of a baby at the exact time an Egyptian princess was bathing, arranging Miriam to be in the vicinity and with quickness of thought and foot, brought about another restoration of mother and son.

All of this for the eventual restoration of His Son to me and to you. He brought this restoration forth through extremely narrow channels of blessing and protection. This symphony, God's symphony, started thousands of years ago and at the end of the first act, reached a pinnacle never seen before the birth, death and resurrection of Christ Jesus. The Second Act has started and been building for the last 2000 years. I sense, in a very real way, His orchestration is in the midst of a crescendo as we prepare for the finale when His children, both past and present, will meet Him when He comes in the clouds. That moment will cast brilliant glory that overcomes every failed expectation, over-scrutinized argument, and fractured relationship or division that has ever occurred or existed. He will indeed be the King of the world, God Almighty and the Everlasting Father that has reigned and will reign forever and ever.

He provides for us in every way until the ultimate restoration between God - our Loving Father, Complete Provider, Reliable Comforter, Ultimate Restorer - and His children. Until then, "we are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair, persecuted but not forsaken, struck down but not destroyed". (II Corinthians 4:8-9) We wait for the restoration of our souls and trust in the Lord's infinite mercy and kindness that He knows the best and allows these things to happen for our good and His glory.

May it be as He says and for however long He deems necessary. May I always stand in confidence that He is the Great I AM and trust that every note played and every chord orchestrated of my life is from the Omniscient Virtuoso. May I be willing to be played in any way the Master so desires with a faith so strong, the melody flows effortlessly.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Dog Days of Summer Are Here...Already?


Dadgum, Girls! It is hot outside here in Nash Vegas and I am not talking about entertainment. No offense to the entertainment, of course, but with it snowing in April and it being in the 90's in June, I'm having trouble regulating! And...

Guess who's air conditioner broke?

If you said, "Christi's", you'd be right!

It's fixed now so no worries, but I had to really pray about my attitude the THIRD time I called them and they hadn't come out to my apt to fix it over an 18 hour period. One of the few positives about living in an apt is that you have on site maintenance so I was a little disheartened with the slower response. But, no complaining because it is fixed and we are cool as a cucumber. (Please don't ask me who "we" is? -- It is one of my nuances.)

OK, let's talk about Facebook! I have connected with so many people on this networking site, it is like Christmas to see who has accepted my "friend request" and/or who has sent me one. I love it! A quick warning... it can be addicting at times. There are way too many little things to put on your home page and most of us have a job to go to so there just has to be a line but how fun to connect with old high school friends, some of whom I haven't spoken to in 15 years or so. That is crazy! So good to see how the Lord has been moving in their lives and what their kids look like, etc., etc., etc. I have been surprised at the amount of people in their 30's are on there as I thought this was more of a college thing but as busy as we all are these days, it is seems to be taking off as a way to reconnect old friends and even distant family members even with the "older crowd". (Have I descended into the "older crowd" genre and when did this happen? Is there any way to stop it?) I have talked with some family members way more on Facebook than in real life because when I see there picture right there, it is easy to shoot them an email or "write on their wall". Fun times! I highly recommend it just to open up old doors and watch your worlds converge when you realize that your brother's roommate married your childhood friend from another town. That didn't happen to me by the way, but I bet it has in somebody's life. I'm just sayin'....

The album is closer to being completed. How many years have I been saying that? Well, it is true. Every time I have said that, it has been closer to be being completed. We are/were well on our way to approving the final cover and liner notes when the graphic designer's computer decided to process corrupted files and they attached themselves to my project so all you can see on my cover are page numbers.


And, look! I'm not climbing a coconut tree. I am calmly writing to you about the next step in the journey the Lord has already ordained for my life with this project. I am more than convinced that Satan CLEARLY does not want this project out for whatever reason and is throwing up roadblock after roadblock.
To that I say, Phooey!
Is that a strong enough word? How 'bout.... Bologna? Is that stronger?

Whatever, we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. (Eph. 6:12) He will strike our heel but we will crush his head. (Gen.3:15) I know this, so I trust that whatever satan sends and the Lord allows to touch this project, in the end, the Lord plans cannot be thwarted. I trust Him on this l - o - n - g journey that I have been on. We will just continue to wait until His perfect timing.... which brings me to something else I have been thinking about...

Random thought: Isn't it funny how things always seem to circle back around? The more things change, the more they stay the same, isn't that what they say? Some just continue to circle and circle and circle... like a shark..... Just bite me already! Come on!

I'm not sure that came out right....

I have a praise! I am trying to be more balanced in my work ratio of life. By this I mean, that work was taking up approximately 75-80% of my waking life about the last year or so. Maybe it wasn't quite that much, but pretty close. I have decided that while we are commanded to work hard and do everything as unto the Lord, I also don't think it is beneficial for me to be neglecting other areas of life to complete work. It was becoming way to much and other areas were starting to suffer. So, time for a change! Yeah!!! I have knocked back quite a bit and yes, I am behind, but I was behind before when I was working all those hours anyway so, really nothing changed. BUT IT SURE IS GOOD TO SEE MY OLD FRIENDS AGAIN BACK AT THE GYM NOW!!! (You remember fun times at the gym, don't you? [See previous posts for further details] Watch out, friends! I feel the stories starting to build. YeHaw!!) I am excited I get to go back to the gym and have some time for other good things that I believe the Lord wants me to do. I think it will be a struggle to do everything that needs to be done in the shorter amount of time that I have allotted, but the best things in life are normally worth the struggle it takes to get there, right? Whether than be work, relationships with family or friends, evangelism opportunities and spending sweet time with the Lord, it is a juggling act but all are necessary and good. So, I am trying to find the right balance. Any suggestions with that except to just say "no" so certain things?

To sum up the post...

1) It is hot.
2) I like friends.
3) I hate snakes.
4) I don't mind (and actually look forward to??) being bitten by sharks.
5) Just say "NO" to work (?)

Yeah, this is a weird post. I must be losing my MoJo. That's OK. I'm heading back to the gym where my MoJo is waiting....

Tune in....

Monday, May 5, 2008

Blooming into Biblical Womanhood

I have been making hay on my books lately! In fact, I have read 5 more books, a Karen Kingsberry/Gary Smalley series, that aren't even on my list and they were GOOOOOOD! I have already lent them out and she too confirms that they are, indeed, GOOOOOOD! See, I wouldn't lie to you. Well worth the deviation off the list, in my opinion.

I am not totally rabbit trailing off the book list because I did get back into the book Biblical Womanhood in the Home, edited by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. I just read the chapter called "Pruned to Bloom" by P. Bunny Wilson. (Yes, it is Bunny. I wonder what the P. is to make her go by Bunny?) It is (still) an excellent book and the wisdom is so timely. I have been praying and really questioning God about certain things that are going on and this book really hit the nail on the head for me. The Lord really answered specifically about the questions I had been posing to Him all day (and for quite some time) and He did it in this very chapter I read last night. I had been praying for some clarity and some understanding and there He was in black and white. He knew exactly the way the words needed to read in order to slice through the convolutions of my mind and the little cracked pieces of my heart to help me make sense of things. It comforted me and put me at ease for the rest of the evening. It still made sense to me in the morning and allowed me to rest in the knowledge that He Is and that is all I need to know.

Thank you, Lord, that You care enough to send the very best -
like Hallmark --

But WAY better!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

What's In a Name??

1. YOUR ROCK STAR NAME (first pet, current car):
Sashay Lexus
(please. no comments.)
2. YOUR GANGSTA NAME (fave ice cream flavor, favorite type of shoe):
Vanilla Bean Tennis Shoe (?!?!?! --
Yeah, I sound rough, huh?)

3. YOUR NATIVE AMERICAN NAME (favorite color, favorite animal):

Yellow Dog
(clearly don't put me in charge of security for the tribe.)

4. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME (middle name, city where you were born):

Michelle Wichita

5. YOUR STAR WARS NAME (first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 of your first name):


6. SUPERHERO NAME (2nd favorite color, favorite drink):

Pink Tea
(or "Pink T" - for short...
I think I am totally going by that now.)

7. NASCAR NAME (the first names of your grandfathers):
Henry Lloyd

8. TV WEATHER ANCHOR NAME (your 5th grade teacher’s last name, a major city that starts with the same letter):
Abbott Anchorage
(pretty appropriate I'd say)

9. SPY NAME: (your favorite season/holiday, flower):
Spring Star Gazer...
you can call me "Lily".

10. CARTOON NAME: (favorite fruit, article of clothing you’re wearing right now):

Apple Yogapants

11. HIPPIE NAME: (What you ate for breakfast, your favorite tree):
Special K Oak

Personal Agendas?

Monday, March 24, 2008

As the Pages Turn...

Every year, I make a list of books I would like to read during the year. I have to admit, "my eyes are usually bigger than my stomach" so to speak and my list is way longer than I have the time to actually accomplish the reading of these great books. I have started my readings for the year and have high hopes for making a good dent in them. I actually have finished a few. You might already have a list but here is mine for 2008.

1. Doing Things Right in Matters of the Heart (John Ensor)
2. I Saw the Lord (Anne Graham Lotz)
3. Biblical Womanhood in the Home (Nancy Leigh DeMoss)
4. Boiling Point: Understanding Men and Anger (Stephen Arterburn/David Stoop)
5. Praying the Names of God (Ann Spangler)
6. God Knows My Size (Harvey Yoder)
7. Satisfy My Thirsty Soul (Linda Dillow)
8. Mere Christianity (C.S.Lewis)
9. The Great Divorce (C.S.Lewis)
10. Safely Home (Randy Alcorn)
11. Basic Economics (Thomas Sowell)
12. The Pilgrim's Progress (John Bunyan)
13. Disciplines of a Godly Woman (Barbara Hughes)
14. Disciplines of a Godly Family (Kent and Barbara Hughes)
15. The Mission of Motherhood (Sally Clarkson)
16. Church History in Plain Language (Bruce Shelley)
17. Esther and Ruth: Reformed Expository Commentary (Iain M. Duguid)
18. Feminine Appeal: Seven Virtues of a Godly Wife and Mother (Carolyn Mahaney)
19. Heaven (Randy Alcorn)
20. Doctrines of Grace (Boice/Ryken)
21. Systematic Theology (Wayne Grudem)
22. Redeeming Love (Francine Rivers)

Oh my goodness! So many books and this is just the first 20 that I want to read! I find myself surrounded by piles of books that: a) I want to read, b) I have started, c) I use for reference frequently, and/or d) I have finished and want to read again as soon as I can. I just love to read. Some of these on the list already are books I have read and just want to read again because it has been awhile or I remember reading something in that book that pertains to some things that I am going through now or they are just plain dadgum good! I have several more on my list but I want to see if anybody else has some good books to read that they have either heard some really great things about or have read themselves and can vouch for the quality and substance of the read. I'm up for anything.

So... tell us. What have YOU been reading lately??

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Womanly Musings for Monday

"Character contributes to beauty. It fortifies a woman as her youth fades. A mode of conduct, a standard of courage, discipline, fortitude and integrity can do a great deal to make a woman beautiful." --- Jacquelin Bisset (English actress)

"Take the attitude of a student. Never be too big to ask questions.
Never know too much to learn something new."
---Og Mandino (American Author)
"There are no ugly women. Only lazy ones."
--- Helena Rubenstein (American Cosmetics Manufacturer)
"The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice."
Proverbs 12:16
Blessings to you this week!

He is not here...

After the Sabbath, as the first light of the new week dawned, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to keep vigil at the tomb. They brought spices (as an act of love to offset the stench of the decaying body.) They worried out loud to each other, "who will roll back the stone from the tomb for us?" Suddenly the earth reeled and rocked under their feet as God's angel came down from heaven, and came right up to where they were standing. He rolled back the stone and then sat on it. Shafts of lightening blazed from him. His garments shimmered snow-white. The guards at the tomb were scared to death. They were so frightened , they couldn't move.
They (the women) walked in but once inside, they couldn't find the body of the Master Jesus.
The angel spoke to the women: "There is nothing to fear here.
I know you're looking for Jesus,
the One they nailed to the cross.
He is not here. He was raised, just as he said.
Remember how He told you when you were still back in Galilee that he had to be handed over to sinners, be killed on a cross, and in three days rise up?" Then they remembered Jesus' words. "Come and look at the place where he was placed. Now - get on your way quickly and tell his disciples, "He is risen from the dead. He is going on ahead of you to Galilee. You will see him there."
The women, deep in wonder and full of joy, lost no time in leaving the tomb.
They ran to tell the disciples all they had seen.

The above passages are excerpts from "The Message" (Eugene Peterson) out of the the first three gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke with notes from John MacArthur's Commentary inserted as necessary to clarify the meaning or draw correlations between the three overall passages. Read and reflect on the the true meaning of His sacrifice and the miracle of the fulfillment of His resurrection and how it impacts you now and how it will impact you later.

May He be praised both now and forevermore!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Phil, Farmers and Political Correctness

OK. I think today is the day to finish the story which, by now, is really beyond the funny state and circled back to un-funny. It was slightly humorous at best and, I'm guessing, more funny with my particular animation of the situation. So, unless you live here and were with me when this happened, this will be a let down for you.


However, I do have more stories to share. Some are hysterical though again, probably funnier with my entire re-enactment of it all, which thus far, I have shown to many and all agree, it loses something in translation to the written word. Plus, the choice of words should be tempered or at least filtered through a p.c. (political correctness) filter which, as Cass says, I clearly do not have in my possession. I don't know why she says that I am not politically correct. Truth is truth. As I said to her, just because somebody says the sky is purple, doesn't mean it is. It means that you are color blind or lying or uninformed. Please don't make me go philosophical on you guys and discuss the problems with moral relativism. Some things are just as they are, no matter what you call them. There are no gray areas in certain specific aspects of life just because we want there to be.

Just because someone doesn't want to be called short, doesn't mean that they aren't short. They are not "vertically challenged". It makes it sound like they had a choice and just weren't up for the challenge of growing. That is not what has happened. They are just short. It is not bad to be short. It just "is what it is" to quote a very overused phrase these days.

What about blonds? Are they brunette-challenged? No, they are cognitively-challenged.
NO, I AM JUST KIDDING. JUST SAID THAT TO GET A RISE OUT OF YOU ALL. WORKED, DIDN'T IT?!?!?!?!?!? SORRY! They are just blond. Even if they want to be called brunette and everybody starts to say that she is a brunette, she is still a blond. Unless she dyes her hair which is for another entry.

Likewise, just because someone doesn't want to be called tall, doesn't mean they aren't tall. I guess the P.C. term for this would be vertically SUPERIOR when compared with the converse of vertically challenged? Let's take an example, shall we? What about Yao Ming? You know, 7'6" Houston Rocket originally from China. Do you think, at 7'6" he thinks, "Yes. I truly am vertically superior." No. THIS is what he thinks.

"I am SICK AND TIRED of ducking through every stinkin' doorway that I come to."

"I am IRRITATED BEYOND BELIEF that Hoover doesn't make vacuum cleaners taller because I am getting back spasms by bending over to vacuum the carpet and don't get me started about the baseboards."

"I am RIDICULOUSLY ANNOYED at the fact that I am losing my hair because my head rubs the top of my Hyundai every time I wanna go to the store to get me a cheeseburger."

- and that is a lot of rubbin', my friends. Of course, he thinks all this in Chinese, but I think the translation is approximately the same. He does not think that he is vertically superior. He is JUST as frustrated as the short person and would probably prefer to just be called tall. End of statement. I have not spoken to him directly on this matter but I feel confident that he must feel similarly to this. If he happens to read this blog, please chime in, Yao, and let us know how you feel.

Seriously. I would like to know and put this P.C. stuff to rest. Can we just tell it like it is please? There is no need for unnecessary rudeness, but we should just come out with the truth more often in this country rather than trying to make everyone feel good about themselves and justify every single decision that is ever made as being a good decision. There are some decisions that are bad decisions and we shouldn't make them. Drunk driving - bad. Teaching three year olds how to play with a loaded weapon - bad. Eating rotten fruit - bad. Helping eldery people across the street (when they want to go across the street) - good. Working hard - good. Eating ripe fruit - good. There are some things that are really not up for debate. It seems that we have a society now where we glorify the individual over the good of the entire group by making the majority bend to accommodate one single person and what they want or demand or makes them feel better about themselves and their decisions no matter if it is beneficial to the greater number of people.

Think about in sports. I grew up where every child gets a trophy whether they won or not. We are rewarded for things we do not deserve rewards for simply by breathing in the same air as the winner. I am not saying be cruel and not affirm our children - please do not read that. I am saying that life is not fair and I feel like we are perpetuating a disservice to those by teaching that you will always gets rewarded and life will always hand you a trophy even if you don't win, don't put forth the effort, or don't even show up to practice. We end up with some very spoiled children growing up into adults continuing to make these unwise and morally relative decisions into adulthood and expecting to always get their way. We have football players crying because they cannot go to strip clubs, carry a weapon, be involved with the "wrong crowd" and not make 8 gazillion dollars for playing 13 games which amounts to approximately 36 hours of time. Ladies and gentlemen, this is less than a week's worth. Sometimes, life is just life. Bad things happen. Justice seems ill apparent at times. Families fracture and fall apart. Best friends and good people pass away. Hard-working (and cognitively superior blond) people lose jobs sometimes. It is not the happiest part of life but it is a very real part of life and we should be teaching our own how to deal with it productively and appropriately and not expect that your life will be ideal or that you deserve to expect ideal. We get back up and realize that yeah, you didn't get the trophy this time but next time, you might with some hard work and God's favor.

Just my 2 cents.

Wow. That kind of morphed into a topic bigger than PC, huh? I think maybe I had a chip on my shoulder about something. Huh -- how'd that get there?

Well, I kind of hope there are no professional athletes reading this because they are taking major hits today. Except for Payton. I see him all over TV all the time. He could play baseball with all the pitches he is making. Therefore, I excuse him and could justify him for requesting millions because he clearly works lot of overtime for his money. He makes good decisions and does a lot of good things for the community like a lot of other professional athletes do as well. I can just see the flood of hate mail now. Everyone, easy up. This is not a personal attack on professional athletes. This is just a little venting moment about a bigger issue than you guys. I do love me a little Payton Manning, though... and a little Eli. I so did not blog on the Superbowl and I so should have. Man, was that great or what?

OK, let's get back to the boring story of yestermonth.

Long and short of it... I had a blow out on I-65 on the way home. It was Tuesday and had started snowing that day. It was freezing and I had no coat or gloves. I have no AAA (Triple A) and I have no "male friend" to take care of this for me. (This is where I get lots of women writing saying, I DO have a male friend and I still have to take care of that kind of thing! Thank you so much for trying to make me feel better or at least that I am not hanging out in the boat all alone but I am not going to lie, I was still ticked about the lack of help.) However, I want to take a little time to introduce Phil.

Phil and Donna.

Phil and Donna _ _ _ _ _ (I am protecting the innocent. They might not want to be mentioned on this blog or be associated with the one writing this blog.)

I love these people. Love them. Love them.

She is tall and he is bald.

That's right. I said it.

I call them "Vertically Superior" and "Barely Hairly".

Well, I don't really do that because he is not really bald.

Kind of balding... but HUMANLY SUPERIOR with road side help!!!!

I wish you could hear the tone in my voice when I relay the phone conversation.

Christi: "Phil. Hey, it's Christi. Listen, I am on the side of the road on 65 and I just had a blow out. What should I do?"

Phil: (Calm, cool, and collected but upbeat) "Are you OK? Are you still on the road or were you able to pull off?"

Christi: "I am on the side of the road and am fine. About 3 exits from my house. Should I call someone to help me and who should that be?"

(Ladies, a side note, do your brains go out the window when you're cold? Yeah, me neither but when I am stuck on the side of the road, in the dark, without a coat and gloves, and it is snowing outside, I think it is safe to say, I checked out.)

Phil: (Still calm, cool and collected but upbeat) Do you have triple A? I would call them.

Christi: I don't have Triple A.

Phil: (Calm, cool, collected, but NOT upbeat. Think Eeyore on 'Winnie the Pooh') Where are you? I'll come help you out.

Christi: "Thanks so much, Eeyore." (Inside my brain but NOT verbalized - Why do I need Triple A when I can call Barely Hairly Triple P?)

Just kidding. I really and truly did not think that at all. I did think "what would I have done without him being here?" And, let's be honest. It was after 7 PM. It was dark. It was snowing. Who wants to change a tire? Who knows how to change a tire? Not us. Please, no lectures about me not being a mechanic. I have other skills. Car assembly or disassembly is not one of them.

Anyway, in a few minutes, I got a tap on my passenger window. It was "Vertically Superior". I rolled that window down and this is the conversation that ensues.

VS: "Hi there, Honey! Are you OK? I've got a blan-ket, a pil-low, some bottled wa-ter, and some warm zucchini bread in the car for you. Why don't you come on into my car and we'll let Phil take care of this and we'll get warm in over there!"

Christi: "AMEN, SISTER FRIEND!!!!!"

Who here wants "VS" for their friend? Yeah, that's what I thought.

So, please don't think I or we were that callous to let Phil do all of it. I offered moral eye support as we watched him and figured out that this would take additional help because the jack was inadequate for the job.

Blah, blah, blah...called my insurance company. (Shout out to Farmers.) They sent a pizza man out to change the tire for FREE. (I suppose "free" is a relative term because really, I have paid jacked up auto insurance prices for the last 20 years so that when I was stuck on the side of the road in my 30's I could get a tire change for free.) Anyway, I got home and the Jones's have earned a HUGE star in my book. I will now call them "Astronomically Superior" when referring to them as a couple.

But wait, there's more...

The next day, drove to work and left my car in the shuttle lot during the day. My friend gave me a ride to my car after work in the shuttle lot and...

Kimmie: "Is that the tire that you had changed yesterday?"

Christi: "Yes."

Kimmie: "It's flat."

Yes, friends. Now the spare was flat. And the other tire was blown out in the back of the car.

Just so you know, I did not call "Astronomically Superior" but I totally cashed in on those higher rates again and had them hustle me up a tow truck, which they did for free again.

Bottom line... it's fixed now.

See, not the best story. Had you been there for the entire scenario it would have been funny maybe. I tried to add as much humor as I could since Mandy has been waiting a really long time and posted two comments about how sick she was of waiting to hear it.

I bet she wishes she had saved the comments for a more pressing story coming later after hearing this story?

Mandy, don't go. Come back. There are many more stories coming. They are funnier, I promise.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Oh, Friends....

I have a new story. It is a funny story. Right now at 11:37 PM, it is not funny. It is ir-ri-ta-ting. I am ir-ri-ta-ted. Tomorrow or maybe the next day, it will be funny. Just not right now. I wanted to let you know, there is a new post coming and I'm sure that you will be amused but right now, I am too irritated about it to be amused myself. Give me some time. I know it will come. I feel it in my bones. Tune in in the near future. The time is coming when I can talk about it without wanting to hurt the Michelin Man.

Who's excited???

Who's irritated???


(P.S. Happy Birthday, Kimberly!)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

He Is...

Just taking some time today to think about Lord and who He is to me. There are so many facets to Him that minister to me daily from His patience with me, to His forgiveness, the power He reveals and the creation He displays. The ladybug crawling down my finger, the flower opening into spring, tomato ripening on the vine, the child squealing with joy, the parent kneeling in prayer, the friend reaching to hug and the heart waiting to love. He is all this. He is the great I AM. Not just to Moses in the burning bush, but to me at work, doing laundry, crying, working out, dreaming. He is.

Those that know me, know that for a little over two years, I have been waiting on the completion of my first solo project. It is evidence of God's goodness, his sense of humor, as well as the fact that 1000 years is like a day to Him. I have learned so much about myself through this project but that was the least of my lessons. I have learned to trust Him more thoroughly, more honestly, more recklessly. He used this project as a means to restore relationships and teach me about the never-changing and gracious Father - Daddy, if you will. He has held me close and let me learn. He has brought me through trials and taught me that He is all sufficient and loves without boundaries. There have been times through this that I seriously thought that the album would never see the light of day. I have prayed and cried and worried and eventually, learned to trust the Almighty for everything. You know, hindsight is sometimes 20/20 and I see today that He was preparing me for the trials of today. The waiting and praying and crying and trusting God's perfect timing. He is more real to me today than I could have imagined three years ago. I am truly thankful.

I end this post with "thank you's" to those that have prayed for me over the last couple of years of this musical process. You have cared about me and asked how things were going and expected me to give an honest answer. I trust that you will be blessed for your kindnesses shown and your consistency with me. It is in this time that I realize that there are "friend(s) that really do stick closer than a brother." (Proverbs 18:24) I love you for this and pray that you receive ten fold the blessings that you have been to me.

A few of these loved ones: Mom and Dad, Alicen, Amy, Sharon, Sarah, Meredith G., Cass, Meredith O., and Mandy.

I am not printing the lyrics to all the songs on the album, except for the ones I wrote. I wanted to type these out because I think they are so good with regards to trying to capture a few little facets of who God is. I don't think that we could ever, in any song or with any songwriter, say enough to reveal the fullness of God. This song is one that I love singing because it brings my attention to the everyday things that illustrate God's goodness, but that I miss so many times. Hopefully the words by Hilary Weeks will speak to you the way they speak to me.


He is the first ray of sun to reach above the mountain.
He is a gentle ocean breeze on my face.
He is raindrops moving slowly down my window.
He's a long deep breath at the end of the day.

He is a warm afternoon at the end of September
And He's the brilliant sunset sky.
He is the silent snowfall and deafening crash of thunder;
He is endless stars on a cloudless night

He is the laughter of children
And the wonder in their eyes
And on a distance rocky shore,
He is a clear and steady light

He is wrinkled hands and tiny newborn fingers
He's the beckon that calls you home.
He is the sturdy staff that leads you to drink beside still waters
He is the reason why the lilies grow.

He is the sermon on a mount
He is the widow and her mite
He is the blind man's first glimpse of light

He is the garden and prayer
He is two strangers on a hill
He is the empty tomb and the price that heaven paid and
He's our chance to try again

'Cause He is open arms
He is a quiet invitaion
He is hope when hope is gone
He is lasting peace
And the Answer we are seeking
And He is the pathway home
He is

Yes, He Is.

Words and Music by Hilary Weeks (c) 2004

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Well, Hello Friends!!

Let me catch up on some much needed blogging from September until now...

Happy Birthday, Uncle James!

Happy Birthday, Beth!

Happy Birthday, Evan!

Happy Birthday, Maamaw!

Happy Birthday, Brad!

Happy Anniversary, Trey and Reagan!

Happy Birthday, Alex!

Happy Birthday, Luke!

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Happy Birthday, Grandma!

Happy Halloween!

Happy Birthday to Me!

Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad!

Happy Birthday, Mauri!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Birthday, Alicen!
Happy Birthday, Cass!

Happy Birthday, Amy!

Happy Birthday, Brittany!

Happy Birthday, Angie!

Happy Birthday, Charles!

Merry Christmas!
Happy New Year!!

Happy Birthday, Rachael!

Happy Birthday, Aunt Marilyn!

Happy Birthday, Holly!

Happy Birthday, Meredith!

Happy Birthday, Mandy!

Happy Birthday, Bethany!

Yes. Seriously, I have missed that many celebrations! Not that I forgot, just that there were so many, I had no time to blog about them properly. So, consider this blog entry the CHEERIEST blog entry of all times. In this posting, there are 23 birthdays, 4 pregnancies, 3 major holidays, and 2 anniversaries. I did not mention the pregnancies because some of them are still secret. Be looking for bumps in Iowa, Nashville, Kentucky, and Texas ... I'm just sayin. I personally do not have one with a baby in it so don't be looking here.

I have missed journaling on this blog and really want to try and do better with it. I used to have so much more time to spend time on things like this. Now I find myself in a job that is requiring 10-12 hours of work of some sort every day. There is a lot to this speech pathology thing. Who knew? I am not complaining because I am very very thankful for my job and I really LOVE the people I work with (Read: especially my Cassie!!) Truly I could not have asked for a better placement than where I am presently. It just takes an inordinate amount of work each week and I do find myself struggling to get it all done. Praise the Lord for work because the converse would yield very little in the way of sustenance. So we move forward with joy...

Have you been wondering about how the gym is going? Yeah, let me catch you all up on that. I mentioned before that John is "awesome" (to use a way overused adjective). Fantastic. The greatest. I enjoyed working with him for several months before...

I fell off the treadmill.

You laugh. Go ahead. I can hear you from here. I promise I had no idea I was so challenged with my gross motor skills. None. Zilch. Nada. I have never had trouble walking, running, generally moving before. I don't understand unless God is just trying to teach my humility, which I suppose is working. I fell off in mid December, yes, in front of the 5:30 crowd. Lots of sympathy because a lot of them have fallen before and broken a hip. They thought I was a trooper. Luckily, Dimples wasn't there and I have actually since heard that he has joined the military. Anyway, I fell in front of John who enjoyed the moment, but was extremely hospitable with his gym supplies and first aid kit. Let me explain that the situation could have been much worse as I was actually finished my warm up and had turned off the treadmill so it was not moving. Yes, I suppose that makes this story a hair funnier that I could fall off a non-moving treadmill. It happens. Probably to a lot more people than just me. Please lend support if this has indeed happened to you.

So, I fell off the treadmill and twisted my ankle. I think I have weak ankles. I twist them so much, I thought that was supposed to happen when you walk on them. (Just FYI, I was told of an exercise to strengthen the ankles. Dump marbles out on the ground and pick them up with your toes and set them down in a particular place. I haven't tried it yet as I have no marbles. Go ahead and insert your obvious joke here ______.) So anyway, John said to stay off of it for awhile. I did stay off of it for about two weeks and by staying off I mean that I did not run on it. Went home for Christmas in which I twisted the same ankle again while loading my bags into the car. I came back to Nashville and twisted the same ankle a final time the second week of January. Just to note, I did NOT fall the other two times!

So, I am just now kind of getting back in the swing of things. No, I am not literally swinging because that would be bad for the ankle but things are moving along nicely. I am planning on going jogging this afternoon possibly if the weather permits. Baby, it's COLD outside. (Who here loves that song? I even love Jessica and Nick's version!) Bundle up and try to stay warm.

The end of 2007 brought about some interesting things. Lots of changes. Changes in relationship dynamics, changes in communications, changes in locations, changes in focus on some fronts. Honestly, I was ready for a new year after a rough year ending. It made it all the more lovely when 2008 began. I love when a new year starts. Like everyone, I love the fresh slate. I love the open meadow on which to dance a new dance; the new journal to learn and discover new things; new friendships waiting to be cultivated. I love that clean canvas just awaiting the artist's design and swirling colors, the texture he will add and the techniques he will use to create a more beautiful work than before. I used to watch from time to time the guy, oh, I wish I could remember his name, with really curly brown hair and spoke in such a calm voice. You could totally record his voice while he paints and put babies (and adults) to sleep, I'm convinced. I am not sure how good that was for business but I would watch him craft new painting after new painting.

What I noticed was that the dark hues used in the art actually served to highlight the main idea and attraction of the painting. They served as the background to make the focal point of the painting truly the focus. It gives the painting depth. I don't know many people that focus strictly on the darks for the actually color but more for perhaps the use of darks in the picture to bring out the artist's primary focus. I'm sure there are some that, when given the chance, will get lost in the dark and the draw that it can sometimes have. I think that is missing the point. In our lives, the Lord also uses "dark hues" from time to time to help the eye focus on the primary attraction of His work of art - Him. He is our focus and by focusing on the dark periods of our lives, we fail to see the main attraction. They are there to highlight the goodness, the mercy, the grace and forgiveness of a great and mighty God. He is constantly trying to refocus us on the Main Thing. Not our job, not our entertainment, not our friends or even our family. It is not wealth or fame or public admiration or being the perfect size or finding the perfect person. It is Jesus Christ and Him alone. It is in knowing Him that our primary focus becomes brighter, more clear, more pleasing and we tend to quit hiding in the darkness and can come out into the light.

I don't know what dark hues the Lord is allowing to color your life right now. Maybe a family relationship is fractured. Maybe health issues plague you. Maybe an unexpected death has you in a deep depression. Unemployment, financial concerns, over worked, underpaid, not appreciated, misunderstood, uncared for, poor gross motor skills ... we all struggle with these very real issues for some reason. These darks are being used for a purpose. Just like the colors on the painting, these times will give you depth of character. It is all part of the Artist's vision for His work of art. I do know that these dark places are a background element and not to be focused on for eternity. I do know there is more to His creative painting of your life than the dark places on your canvas. It makes His light all the more brilliant. It pierces the darkness and makes everything else appear as but a shadow. Don't live in the shadows. Come out into the light. Let 2008 be a new canvas for you. Know there will be places of dark the characterize your painting. Know that the darks make your painting all that more beautiful. Know that when the painting is complete, your canvas will be placed in the heavenly Museum of natural art. I wonder if highlighted in the choicest of places will there be a picture of Jesus and His life hanging there, the almost incomprehensible depth of blackest and darkest of crosses serving as a backdrop but yet a mere shadow in light of the brilliant resurrection power of God's work as the focal point.

Better than Picasso, Monet, DaVinci, or Van Gogh
is the unique and perfect artistry of God,
the Creator of your life
and mine.
Psalm 139