Welcome Y'all

Hopefully the name of this blog speaks for itself. I envision it being one of humor, exhortation, random musings, theological discussion, sports, and things that impact my life and could bless yours. Sometimes it might be a verse or a funny story, a sports score that has me up in arms or a profound truth that has hit me. I pray you find your visit here blessing your heart.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

He Is...

Just taking some time today to think about Lord and who He is to me. There are so many facets to Him that minister to me daily from His patience with me, to His forgiveness, the power He reveals and the creation He displays. The ladybug crawling down my finger, the flower opening into spring, tomato ripening on the vine, the child squealing with joy, the parent kneeling in prayer, the friend reaching to hug and the heart waiting to love. He is all this. He is the great I AM. Not just to Moses in the burning bush, but to me at work, doing laundry, crying, working out, dreaming. He is.

Those that know me, know that for a little over two years, I have been waiting on the completion of my first solo project. It is evidence of God's goodness, his sense of humor, as well as the fact that 1000 years is like a day to Him. I have learned so much about myself through this project but that was the least of my lessons. I have learned to trust Him more thoroughly, more honestly, more recklessly. He used this project as a means to restore relationships and teach me about the never-changing and gracious Father - Daddy, if you will. He has held me close and let me learn. He has brought me through trials and taught me that He is all sufficient and loves without boundaries. There have been times through this that I seriously thought that the album would never see the light of day. I have prayed and cried and worried and eventually, learned to trust the Almighty for everything. You know, hindsight is sometimes 20/20 and I see today that He was preparing me for the trials of today. The waiting and praying and crying and trusting God's perfect timing. He is more real to me today than I could have imagined three years ago. I am truly thankful.

I end this post with "thank you's" to those that have prayed for me over the last couple of years of this musical process. You have cared about me and asked how things were going and expected me to give an honest answer. I trust that you will be blessed for your kindnesses shown and your consistency with me. It is in this time that I realize that there are "friend(s) that really do stick closer than a brother." (Proverbs 18:24) I love you for this and pray that you receive ten fold the blessings that you have been to me.

A few of these loved ones: Mom and Dad, Alicen, Amy, Sharon, Sarah, Meredith G., Cass, Meredith O., and Mandy.

I am not printing the lyrics to all the songs on the album, except for the ones I wrote. I wanted to type these out because I think they are so good with regards to trying to capture a few little facets of who God is. I don't think that we could ever, in any song or with any songwriter, say enough to reveal the fullness of God. This song is one that I love singing because it brings my attention to the everyday things that illustrate God's goodness, but that I miss so many times. Hopefully the words by Hilary Weeks will speak to you the way they speak to me.


He is the first ray of sun to reach above the mountain.
He is a gentle ocean breeze on my face.
He is raindrops moving slowly down my window.
He's a long deep breath at the end of the day.

He is a warm afternoon at the end of September
And He's the brilliant sunset sky.
He is the silent snowfall and deafening crash of thunder;
He is endless stars on a cloudless night

He is the laughter of children
And the wonder in their eyes
And on a distance rocky shore,
He is a clear and steady light

He is wrinkled hands and tiny newborn fingers
He's the beckon that calls you home.
He is the sturdy staff that leads you to drink beside still waters
He is the reason why the lilies grow.

He is the sermon on a mount
He is the widow and her mite
He is the blind man's first glimpse of light

He is the garden and prayer
He is two strangers on a hill
He is the empty tomb and the price that heaven paid and
He's our chance to try again

'Cause He is open arms
He is a quiet invitaion
He is hope when hope is gone
He is lasting peace
And the Answer we are seeking
And He is the pathway home
He is

Yes, He Is.

Words and Music by Hilary Weeks (c) 2004

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