An actual quote out of my mouth today to a mother as I was conducting a diagnostic assessment on a child with a tongue tie...
"In this particular case,
talking with his tongue tied is about as effective
as tweezing your eyebrows with salad tongs."
Tell me no stories, I tell you no lies.
And her response was...???
Responses were:
Mother gave me the bug eyes and said "OH. Ok. That makes sense but I never thought of it that way."
Of course, she didn't! I am the only whack coming up with stuff like that.
Father gave me a pretty good chuckle and then a blank look.
Know why?
He had a unibrow.
Seen on a bumper sticker:
The Few. The Browed. The Klingon Marines.
Any connection at all?
Congratulations on "Hear"! We'll attend if at all possible.
I like it! It hits one of the clear "hot buttons" of this blog: parking and eyebrows. Weird. I never planned that. And I never knew I had issues with these two topics....
Thank you! Hope you'll get to be there! I'm looking forward to it!
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