I did it and here are my thoughts a few weeks post resignation letter...
I feel certain that there will be bumps and bruises along this new trail I will be travelling. I feel certain there will be times where I miss the consistency of a 9 to 5 job. I feel certain that there will be many times where I really miss the great people I work with now and those that begun the exodus a while back. I feel certain that there will be some serious struggles with financial needs and a very tight budget. I feel certain that there will be some lonely times being essentially by myself and not in a big office with lots of wonderful colleagues with stimulating conversation and great camaraderie.
I also feel certain that this is something that I HAD to do. This is something I wanted to do. I feel certain that this is the right timing at last. I feel certain that this is a huge leap of faith for me and one that will most definitely increase my dependence on the Lord in hundreds of ways. I feel certain that no matter how crazy it looks, how desperate it feels, how impulsive it appears, I know that I know that this is what the Lord has called me to do right now and upon reaching that decision, I have felt nothing but peace ever since.
The Lord has been preparing me for 30+ years for this time in my life. Not that the before now, was not useful in an of itself but it served as a training ground for me and what is in my future. I believe that the Lord is preparing us for our future and does not expect us to dwell in the past. There have been broken hearts, broken families, financial crises, illness, changes, new beginnings, births, growth, change, transformed relationships, restored hearts, financial provision, healing and undergirding it all is God's faithfulness. He has never failed me yet and I don't expect that He will start now.
A good friend told me one time that it is one thing to run from something and quite another to be running toward something. I feel most definitely like I am blazing a trail toward God's best for my life right now. I know it will take lots time, effort and energy and most importantly, the favor of God. I am willing to move forward in this next chapter with excitement and dreams (and a little fear, honestly) with my knees to the floor and my face to the sky.
I think now, I am ready.
So... here I am - ready and raring to go!
Tune in for the joy that happens on the journey! It's gonna be fun!
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