Welcome Y'all

Hopefully the name of this blog speaks for itself. I envision it being one of humor, exhortation, random musings, theological discussion, sports, and things that impact my life and could bless yours. Sometimes it might be a verse or a funny story, a sports score that has me up in arms or a profound truth that has hit me. I pray you find your visit here blessing your heart.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

The First Thursday

Thursday Thirteen

There is a "blog thing" that has something to do with Thursday Thirteen. As I am finding my way through the blogging world, I hit these walls of "un-knowledge". Some people might call it ignorance. I will choose to call it "un-knowledge" because, honestly, I like the word better and the connotation. How kosher is it to call yourself ignorant on your own blog and then expect people to read it? However, you may reserve the right to call yourself whatever you wish on your blog, whether that be ignorant, functioning at Mensa level (like Jessica Simpson does), or Wonder Woman! More power to ya! Did you know that Jessica's I.Q. is at that particular level? I was unaware of this fact. Anyway, on this blog, the word "un-knowledge" is a functional word and so we (and by "we" I mean "me, myself, and I") will use it at will But, I digress...

The point with Thursday Thirteen is...I don't know. I guess because they have the same inital consonant digraphs. Why not Thursday Three? Why not Thursday Thirty-Three? Who knows? If you do, leave a comment and let us all know and reduce the "un-knowledge" floating around here. You probably don't even have to be right, just convincing.

Here is the first Thursday Thirteen:

My Favorite Movie Quotes:

13) "Love the purse, love the shoes, love everything! Love it!"
12) "Hi Daddy! Hi!!"
11) "What's your dream? Every'body gots to have a dream."
10) "Let's just take a step back. No, I was wrong. I'm sorry. Take a step forward. Now take a step back . . . and then a step forward . . . and then a step back . . . and then we're cha-chaing."
9) "Surely you can't be serious. I am serious and don't call me Shirley."
8) "Newman, what are you doing? I'm thinkin'. Well think me up a cup of coffe and a chocolate doughnut with some of those little sprinkles on top, while you're thinkin'."
7) "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
6) "Say 'hello' to my little friend."
5) "I want the fairy tale."
4) "Come on, Cletus! Come on! It ain't nuthin but a short walk. You might walk over, but you limpin' back."
3) "Do you think behind every chance is another chance and another chance? It is the worst kind of extravagance the way you spend your chances."
2) "Drink your juice, Shelby. Drink your juice!"

After listing these quotes, I realized that there are way more than 13 that I could list. So, we will have to have a continuation later on. How about if I say these are my favorite 13 for February? Points for those who know movie titles to these quotes; however, you know the rules about points. Check the comments section of "The Ear of the Beholder" for my points policy. Or ask Helen.

What did I miss? Let's see your list. Remember, my five brilliant nieces and nephews are reading (?) so let's not teach them any "new" words. I know several of you have got some goodies!! Spill it! Andele aqui!


Jodi said...

Do you have any idea how glad I am to see that you have FINALLY set up a blog? How many times have I told you that you needed to do that? Granted, you won't be able to cover the subject that I told you to post about (remember?), but oh well. Anyway, you are so funny and witty and insightful; I love reading what you write. Oh my gosh, your head is probably HUGE right now! ( : Really, your blogs are great. For a laugh, I especially loved "Ear of the Beholder". I can totally hear you leaving that message for yourself...and you took those funny things and managed to turn it into a lesson. You really have a true gift for storytelling. Is there someone out there that can offer this girl a book deal???

OK, as for this post, I've got to guess at a couple of your movie quotes -- it's all about the points!!

11 is from the end of Pretty Woman
9 is from Airplane
8 The Fugitive
6 Scarface (I love that line and I never even saw the movie!)
5 Pretty Woman again?!?!
2 Steel Magnolias, right?

You're going to have to list all of the answers in another blog because the ones that I can't figure out are bothering me...especially #3.

I can't help but to notice what time you posted your last entry. So, did you use the elevator excuse when you were late to work this morning? Ya know...I think you may have used that once or twice on me when you were late to one of Alex's sessions. Kidding!

Christi said...

Jodi, Jodi--- Thank you for your sweet compliments. I enjoy blogging actually more than I thought I would. Fun to get the thoughts down on paper and see that on some fronts they do make sense. On other fronts, they sound as weird on paper as they do in my head! Sixty points to you, my dear, for correctly guessing almost half of the quoted movies. I have never seen Scarface either but I LOVE that quote too!! There is funny story with that...of course!
I'll give a hint on Number #3 quote... The tattooed rider's wife makes beautiful music with a jazzy cajun hanging out with stuffed rodents (my favorite) and Pat Green in the state with the best barbecue.

I actually was not late the next day so I didn't have to use the elevator excuse. I am getting better little by little. Sanctification is a process, right?