Welcome Y'all

Hopefully the name of this blog speaks for itself. I envision it being one of humor, exhortation, random musings, theological discussion, sports, and things that impact my life and could bless yours. Sometimes it might be a verse or a funny story, a sports score that has me up in arms or a profound truth that has hit me. I pray you find your visit here blessing your heart.

Monday, February 19, 2007

The Ear of the Beholder?

OK, so here are the funny things of today...

One is probably more funny to me and I am OK with that. You do not have to laugh. I laughed enough for the both of us reading this. Luckily, I am easily amused. The other one is funny, not so much in a "Ha! Ha!" way, but "How ironic!" funny sort of way. Enough build up... here it is.

Numero uno: At my new job (I have a new job for those of you who have not been taking my phone calls and/or have put the phone in a drawer when I call and are not listening to my blathering), there is a complex computer system in place for all of the patient records that I work in throughout the day. Honestly, do not understand it, but basically fake it everyday and smile pretty. On Friday, I stayed late - like 5:13 PM late. I stayed late because I really wanted to get a progress note completed - am I the model employee or what?!?! (Already this is way too much detail.) Blah, blah, blah, I did it wrong and saved it to the computer system. I am not high enough on the totem pole to fix this mistake myself. (There is a secret CODE!!) At 5:13 PM, everyone is gone for the weekend because they leave at 5:12 PM. As you know, and some of you do, I can be, AT TIMES, a little scatty. There should be no comments from the peanut gallery at this time. So, you do what you have to ... to keep from forgetting to get the note fixed, I called my voice mail at work and left me a message. This morning when I checked my messages, this is what I hear...

"Christi. Hi. This is .... yourself. (snicker, snicker, snicker) Yes, this is yourself and you need to clean up your act, Missy. Call the gatekeeper who is holding the codemaster and get the key to the city of medical records. Oh yeah... and don't forget your yogurt on Monday."

On so many levels, this is wrong. Wrong and ridiculous. However, ask me how many times I listened to my own message today and laughed out loud. Four times. And I have to say, I am laughing even now. Points to those who can name the movie that I channeled in my message and money to those who can determine why my mind functions the way it does.

If that wasn't funny enough for you...I forgot my yogurt.

Numero dos: This is a slightly better story, but I must tiptoe around some details because I must protect the guilty so as to maintain my innocence. Wait, huh?

From time to time, I have been know to struggle with time management. I, at times, am inadvertently tardy a few minutes to an event. It is a genetic problem though I will not "out" the genetic pool of which I received the gene. OK, Dad?! I give this lead in to let you in on the fact that I can appreciate when people are running late. Sometimes, it honestly cannot be helped. Today, I was not late. On time and waiting. I had one appointment today. Uno. Singular. Lone. Only one. The appointment is on the hour. No client. Five minutes after, ten minutes after, fifteen minutes after, twenty minutes after... my pager goes off...the patient is here. Here is the excuse on why they are late... (drum roll please)

"We were here (on the hour). We were waiting for the elevators."

My mind's response...

"For twenty minutes?!?!? Were you waiting for them at your house? This isn't Charlie's Chocolate Factory and the glass elevator is in the shop for repairs. Our elevators go up and down here, not across town."

Why this is funny? I am embarrassed to admit this, but I think there is a good chance that I have used the "elevator" excuse myself before in a moment of crisis. I was THAT desperate...and THAT out of my mind to think that it actually sounded plausible. Whoever I said that to should have so nailed me on that. You know what? They didn't. They extended mercy on poor pitiful me and looked me in the face and said, "OK."

Then they muttered under their breath, "Bless her heart."

Lessons to be learned:
1) Do it right the first time.
2) Remember your food for lunch.
3) Lots of times, things sound so much better in the mind of the speaker than the ear of the beholder.
4) Always extend mercy as you just never know when you will need an extra extension yourself.

"Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy" Matthew 5:7


Mandy B Stenberg said...

OK, so I laughed out loud at the personal voice message. I've done it. Proud to say!

And, I can't come up with movie . . . but I'll throw my hat in the ring for the money to figure out why your mind works that way . . . . It is a sheer gift from the Lord to those of us who know and love our Harper!

Christi said...

Ok, we have a winner! No, Mandy, I am sorry to say that your non-guess wasn't it. I have avery well-read (and well-watched) aunt who in a very wordy email guessed: "Is it Ghost Busters?" So, 100 points go to Helen Fredregill. Unfortunatly, this blog is similar to the show "Who's Line is it Anyway?" where the points don't matter. They matter to me, of course, but not in the whole scheme of things. She has now been elevated in my book!! I didn't know she could go any higher?!