I spent a good six hours yesterday reading, studying, journaling and praying. It was the best day of 2009 thus far. It was a beautiful day and I now have a porch overlooking some ready-to-bloom dogwood trees and some blossoming pear trees so I brewed a pot of tea and got all my books and a brand new journal and just sat in the gorgeousness of it all. The Lord is so evident on days like yesterday. The weather is perfect, the world is ready to burst forth with color, the daily pulls of things to do can be at least put off and at best forgotten for just a few hours of much needed time in the Word. God is so prevalent in settings like that.
How many of you had Saturdays like I had yesterday?
What? You didn't have 6 hours of uninterrupted time. To read. To pray. To journal what the Lord is doing. To study the Word with commentaries and other resources.
I am treading on very, VERY thin ice. I know. I can feel the death stares and the hear the grumbling under your breath. Actually, it is not quite under your breath, huh?
I know that there are MANY of you, probably MOST of you who don't have that kind of time to yourselves. I know not from experience but from personal reports from people like you and the rest of the world.
At this stage in my journey and where the Lord has me right now, I am blessed to have that much time to myself to do what I want to do. I say this not to brag or remind you of how much YOU need to get done before Monday rolls around. I say this for the benefit of myself and the recognition of blessing that I have during this season on singleness.
As a single women in her 30's, I struggle at times with being single this far into the journey of life. I am friends with women who are at many different stages of life. Some are just gathering their wits about them a few years after college/grad school. Some are settling into life as a newlywed. Some are "enjoying" the sleepless nights with young children and the strain that this economy is putting on the typical family of 4. There are some who are struggling, like I do, with protracted singleness. How does this translate into blessing for each of these stages?
Several truths:
1) God is always good: His provision, His timing, the circumstances He allows... He is always good,
2) He has storehouses of blessings for His children. These are not going to be bestowed upon us all at one time. They are called storehouses because they are for storing. They store up blessings for Him to distribute all along the journey we walk. If you are His child, you will have more blessings to come in the future.
3) God is going to receive the glory, no matter what. If there is something that you can manipulate and receive glory from, there will be a very short shelf life for that particular accolade, promotion, "jewel", etc.
He is the beginning and ending of all things. God promotes and God demotes at His leisure for our very best good and His glory. Take it to the bank!
4) God loves you and me! He is not looking for ways to trip us up. He is not looking for ways to ambush us. He is lovingly guiding us to Him and towards godliness. This is love. It doesn't look like the love we are used to here on earth given by man. It is altogether different. Those that are supposed to love us the best, do not compare to the love of God. They are in different leagues.
So before, you start throwing tomatoes at me for pointing out all the time that I have available to myself, I want you to think of all the good morning kisses you get, the love of a man/woman who chose you to spend the rest of your lives together with, the coos and giggles of little kids who love you beyond measure, the home full of love (and trials - I know), the teamwork , the help, the camaraderie...
See. There are so many blessings on either side of the coin. I think this is how God intended. He didn't want us to look across the yard and see all the flowers where "they" are and simply notice the weeds where
we are. God is always ready to bless and knows exactly where we need to be at all times. If you needed to be single, you would be single. If I needed to be married, I would be.
This week, try to find things that demonstrate the goodness of God in your personal life. One thing for me is that today, I am able to make the time to update this blog. I know there are flourishing writers out there that do not have opportunities given their current status to do some writing. I am blessed and I am thankful for where I am today. God is good to me in all things. I
know this to be true.
What about you? What are some things that demonstrate the goodness of God in your life today?