Welcome Y'all

Hopefully the name of this blog speaks for itself. I envision it being one of humor, exhortation, random musings, theological discussion, sports, and things that impact my life and could bless yours. Sometimes it might be a verse or a funny story, a sports score that has me up in arms or a profound truth that has hit me. I pray you find your visit here blessing your heart.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Jesus Loves the Little Children, All the Little Children of the World

I wanted to share some really exciting news with everyone about my family clan! We are, hopefully, expecting two new little presents for Christmas this year. These are not just any presents but the kind that will eat fruit snacks, drink Kool-aid, give messy kisses and big bear hugs. The Lord has blessed our family with a referral from Ethiopia for two little kiddos who are actually first cousins but will now be brother and sister by adoption. My sister and brother-in-law have made the decision to adopt these little ones and bring them into our family for us to love and care for them. They have been patiently waiting for around two years for this adoption process to finally achieve fruition, and finally, only a few days ago, they received a call saying that all the waiting had paid off. They were finally going to see two of the greatest gifts the Lord has chosen for them. There are some logistical things that are underway as we speak, but hopefully will result in the swift culmination of the adoption process and them coming home to us. I understand that when the call came in, my sister was unbelievably beside herself, as probably most of us would be after waiting that long for something we wanted so bad. She is probably one big heap of emotions wanting to laugh in joy and in the next moment wanting to cry in worry for them until they actually hold them in their arms.

It is an enormous responsibility to take on two children in such a quick period of time. Even if they are your own biological children it would be a lot but perhaps even that much more when they are from a completely different culture and background. They are surely feeling the responsibility to provide for them physically but also to raise them into godly children who will hopefully follow the Lord for years and years. A huge responsibility, but what a great privilege to witness the glory of God through two very different sets of eyes. What a blessing for them to touch these two children and show them that Jesus loves them and teach them God's Word. I have thought about what the Lord is going to do with these two children in our family since I heard the news and I can only come up with exciting and wonderful things that only He knows and has yet to reveal to us. We wait in anticipation trusting in the Lord at all times knowing that He has sovereignly ordained this opportunity and created these children for such a time as this. (Esther 4:14)

I wanted to post this exciting news and ask for you to please pray for them as they endeavor to bring these children back into their home and raise them along side their other two children, Isabella and Elijah. I know that as exciting this time is for them, there will surely be growing pains as is normal in this type of situation. There are several things I ask that you bring before the Lord when He brings it to your mind.

  1. I ask that you pray that God will provide them with wisdom to know how to handle the day to day activities with 4 children instead of 2.
  2. Please pray for the compassion of other people to bless Kimberly with time away from the children at times for renewal and refreshment.
  3. Please pray for Brad that he will be a strong Daddy who will be able to have some quality time with all 4 of the children and still make time for Kimberly. Then there is other responsibility for provision of the family....
  4. Please pray that all the children would engage easily with each other and begin forming the family bond quickly. I am praying for an extra measure of patience for Isabella and Elijah when they do not have their Mommy and Daddy all to themselves like they have had for 5 and 6 years up to this point.
  5. Please pray especially for our family as we are adjusting to two new little ones as this new journey impacts all of us since we love Kimberly, Brad, Isabella and Elijah so much. Pray that it would draw us closer as a family and that we would be able to encourage, support and enjoy each other through life's little ups and downs that will inevitably happen.
  6. Above all, please pray that God will be glorified in the words we speak and the actions we take. I pray for our examples to these children and pray that they would see Jesus in us - in our eyes, our hearts and throughout out lives.

I am so happy for our new little babies and can't wait for what the Lord will do with our family over the next several months and years to come. I pray for a healthy transition for them and us. This is an exciting time and one that we will remember for the rest of our lives, I'm sure.

Welcome to our family, Little Ones!

We can't wait to meet you!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Books, Books and More Books (Update)

In March, I put out a list of books that I would like to read for this year. The list was ambitious, I know, but I love reading and think it is so important to keep my mind sharp and open to new vocabulary, concepts and thought processes which help shape my own ways of thinking.

I have made a dent in my list and actually veered away from my list in some cases to include other books not listed. Some of them have been very quick reads and others have been more difficult to digest in a short period of time for me.

Mid year winners:

Top Read: (tie)
Choosing Forgiveness - Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Biblical Womanhood in the Home - Nancy Leigh DeMoss (editor)

Both of these books were excellent reads and ones that inspired me to makes changes in my life.
Based on my last post, Choosing Forgiveness really appealed to where I am spiritually and have been going through personally. Very convicting book and one that is full of godly truth and wisdom that is not brutal but fair and honest. I highly recommend this book for anyone who has a pulse and interacts with anyone at anytime. Yes, that would be you.

Biblical Womanhood in the Home, edited by Miss DeMoss, is a short read but packed with very practical and insightful principles for women no matter what state you are in: young or older, single or married, with or without kids. I also highly recommend this book as well for women who are looking to strengthen their sphere of influence in their home for godly purposes.

Quickest Read:
Quiet Strength - Tony Dungy

I read this book in one night. It is not the shortest read (think mapquest - not the shortest route but the quickest), but one that I appreciated because I love sports, football and I really respect the Indianapolis Colts organization. I enjoyed reading about Coach Dungy's unlikely path to Head Coach of the Super Bowl champion Colts and the way that God utilized him all along the way in the lives of other people. I respect him tremendously after reading his story and believe that he is an example of perseverance under pressure. Great for the sports nut.

Heaviest Read:
God is the Gospel - John Piper

I completed this book in a bible study early in the year and it was one that made me think. I know there are some that really love Piper and others that don't enjoy reading him at all. I enjoy him but I always "gird up" when I begin a new book of his because I know he will change my way of thinking and approach things differently than I tend to come at things. I enjoy the challenge of rethinking topics that have been ingrained in me from the time I was a child and tackling them from a different perspective. It is one book that I will be reading again and using for reference often.

I have now read 12 books and am in the middle of 3 more. I am certain that, if the Lord allows, I will read my 20 books, but now my list has grown to 38 books for the year. I am also quite certain that there is NO WAY I can read all 38 books by the end of this year. This is not including my Bible reading. I am going to make a valiant effort.

I will open the floor again. Are there any books that you have read that you would like to recommend? Doesn't matter the topic - can be frivolous, easy reads or those that you think you will read over and over again for years to come.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Awaiting Restoration

Hi Friends ~

I know that the upkeep of this blog has been sporadic at best. I love the accessibility it gives me to each of you and you to me even when life gets in the way. I love my little space to be able to put words to my thoughts and feelings and know that it adds a degree of stability to them rather than allowing them to swirl around in my mind. Thanks for indulging me in this avenue of thought processing, creativity, and random musing that needs a place to land. Please forgive the inconsistency of it all.

Those of you that I speak to regularly know that this year has been a difficult year. I have struggled in many areas of life that are, at times, to difficult to speak of; at other times, too difficult not to speak of. Please know that I appreciate your listening ears and supportive statements. I know there are a handful of you that are praying and I sincerely appreciate your love at this time.

In all honesty, these ongoing situations have been some of the most painful in my life. Thankfully, this confirms that I have a very blessed life since given a different perspective through the looking glass, one might not agree with the severity of the circumstances and or the overall effect of them on a person. However, I don't always know how to deal with the pressing truths that appear to confirm themselves each day. I don't understand the apathy. I don't understand the unforgiveness. I don't understand the dissatisfaction. I don't understand the seeming dissolution of relationships I have held so dear. I don't.

BUT GOD... in His infinite mercy and love and wisdom, does.

He knows how to right the wrongs.

He knows how to clothe the naked.

He knows how to feed the hungry.

He knows how to provide for the needy.

He knows how to change hearts.

He knows how to humble the proud and bring strength to the weary.

He knows.

He knew back 2000 years ago as well.

He knew how to test the heart of Abraham with Isaac on the alter.

He knew how to providentially choose a wife for Isaac.

He knew how to reconcile Jacob and Esau.

He knew the future of Joseph and his 11 brothers -
Orchestrated Joseph's dream,
The brothers' jealousy,
Their discarding of family relationships,
Joseph's numerous trials and testings,
His unlikely rise to power,
His brothers's request for assistance meeting physical needs,
Their compassion toward their family,
The revelation of Joseph and the restoration of a family -
Brother to brother and father to son.

As my pastor said this morning, quoting from a sermon by R.C. Sproul called "The Cry of a Baby", that the Lord knows how to place the entirety of His promised people, the Israelites, and send it down the Nile in a papyrus basket. Again, orchestrating the cry of a baby at the exact time an Egyptian princess was bathing, arranging Miriam to be in the vicinity and with quickness of thought and foot, brought about another restoration of mother and son.

All of this for the eventual restoration of His Son to me and to you. He brought this restoration forth through extremely narrow channels of blessing and protection. This symphony, God's symphony, started thousands of years ago and at the end of the first act, reached a pinnacle never seen before the birth, death and resurrection of Christ Jesus. The Second Act has started and been building for the last 2000 years. I sense, in a very real way, His orchestration is in the midst of a crescendo as we prepare for the finale when His children, both past and present, will meet Him when He comes in the clouds. That moment will cast brilliant glory that overcomes every failed expectation, over-scrutinized argument, and fractured relationship or division that has ever occurred or existed. He will indeed be the King of the world, God Almighty and the Everlasting Father that has reigned and will reign forever and ever.

He provides for us in every way until the ultimate restoration between God - our Loving Father, Complete Provider, Reliable Comforter, Ultimate Restorer - and His children. Until then, "we are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair, persecuted but not forsaken, struck down but not destroyed". (II Corinthians 4:8-9) We wait for the restoration of our souls and trust in the Lord's infinite mercy and kindness that He knows the best and allows these things to happen for our good and His glory.

May it be as He says and for however long He deems necessary. May I always stand in confidence that He is the Great I AM and trust that every note played and every chord orchestrated of my life is from the Omniscient Virtuoso. May I be willing to be played in any way the Master so desires with a faith so strong, the melody flows effortlessly.