Welcome Y'all

Hopefully the name of this blog speaks for itself. I envision it being one of humor, exhortation, random musings, theological discussion, sports, and things that impact my life and could bless yours. Sometimes it might be a verse or a funny story, a sports score that has me up in arms or a profound truth that has hit me. I pray you find your visit here blessing your heart.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

"...But even if He does not..."

At church we have been studying the book of Daniel. It is an eye opening study that I am so looking forward to studying more in-depth. I have heard rave reviews of Beth Moore's study of Daniel and hope to dig further into this godly man's character in the near future. One of our daily devotionals this week highlighted the phrase mentioned above. To give you context, let's flip back through the early part of the book to get a better understanding of where Daniel and his buddies were exactly.

King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon had come to Judah and besieged the kingdom. The King ordered his "chief of staff" to bring in some "cream of the crop" Israelite young men to be set aside for teaching of Babylonian customs, language, and eventually serving the King. The most notable men selected were, as we have so often heard, Daniel, Hananiah (Shadrach), Mishael (Meshach) and Azariah (Abednego). These young men were to be "wined and dined" with all the richest foods and drinks and essentially spoiled rotten. It sounds like an honor to be chosen for the King's service. However, Daniel was convicted and decided that he should not and would not defile himself with the things of this world, specifically, the food and wine offered to them. However, given his role that he was selected for, it is unlikely that the King would allow for this independence streak to manifest itself in this way.

God Himself had caused the official to find favor with Daniel. Daniel requested a test - a test that would examine the four young men after a period of 10 days as to their color, strength, and overall appearance with the other men who feasted on the richest foods of the royal banquet hall. As is typically the case with those who eat their spinach, the were far and away more healthy and better nourished than the others. When presented to the King, he immediately entered them into the King's service.

Through chapter 2, we see Daniel, relying on and giving credit to Yahweh God, interpreting dreams for the King. Nebuchadnezzar acknowledged that Daniel's God was "...the God of gods and the Lord of kings and a revealer of mysteries..." Daniel was elevated to a place of honor in the royal court and Shad, Mesh, and Abed were appointed administrators over the province of Babylon.

Here in chapter 3 is where I want to hone in on today. Although the King had acknowledged that Yahweh God was THE God, he made a golden image. Not just one for his pocket and not a little paperweight to hold his dollar bills in place on his desk. This image was a huge (90 ft high, 9 ft wide). At the sound of music, you must bow down and worship the golden image. Whoever does not will be thrown in the blazing furnace.

A trap had been set. The Babylonians (or Chaldeans) came to "rat out" the defiant hold outs - Shad, Mesh, and Abed. King Nebuchadnezzar was raging and had the boys brought to him. He asked, "Is it true that you don't fall down and worship my god? If you do not worship my golden image, you will be thrown directly into the furnace. Then what god will be able to save you from my hand??"

Here is the best part. I love the answer here and pray that given the opportunity, I could do the same.
"O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand. BUT EVEN IF HE DOES NOT, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods and worship the image of gold you have set up."

But even if He does not. To me, this is the epitome of obedience-based decisions rather than outcome-based decisions. But even if He does not. They are so convicted of their beliefs, that it doesn't matter if they die crossing the threshold of the furnace. It doesn't matter if they die a slow death from smoke inhalation. It doesn't matter if their skin melts off their bones (sorry to be graphic). They will not worship any other god than Jehovah. NO matter if He rescues them or not.

But even if he does not. How does that apply today? How far are you willing to sacrifice to worship Jehovah God?
  • Do you give up the opportunity to share your faith because it might risk you a promotion at work?
  • Do you give up the opportunity to live your faith in real life situations because it might cause others to look at you funny or snicker behind your back?
  • Do you give in to the pressure to partake of things not edifying to the body whether it be too much unhealthy foods, excessive alcohol, smoking during a ball game in the name of fitting in?
  • Do you take things in through the eyes that are not uplifting to the person God created you to be like too much intake of unreal bodily expectations through magazines and TV, the racy book that brings your mind to places that you should not be broaching, the comparisons between you and everyone else that "looks better than you"?

God is a jealous God and will not stand in line behind any other god. Not your god of money, lust, people pleasing, relationships, independence, being right, insecurity, fear, power, position, applause of men, selfishness, or any of it. He demands sacrifice. He has earned it from us. He has promised to never leave us nor forsake us.


... come through with that promotion

... heal my sick family member

... bring the loved one back home

... heal my marriage

... right the injustice done to me

... bring me relief from this long suffering burden

... seem to understand the pressure I am under

... meet my every need monetarily

... bring me a life long companion

... heal my broken heart

... feed all the starving children

... take care of the hurting family at church....

Can we say whole-heartedly that ...

I will serve no other god except for Jehovah God Almighty.

There will never be another. There will never even be a close second.

To the ends of the earth I will follow Him.

No matter the cost. No matter the sacrifice.

Lord, please help me to be like the godly men found in Daniel. I pray that though these are words easy to speak in an anonymous position and in a friendly audience of readers, I pray that when faced with an opportunity to share my allegiance, that I would do so boldly. I ask for Your support in this near opportunity and pray that You strengthen me and hold me close to You and Your Word. Lord, may I be an example to those seeking to find the hope You offer, the love You bestow and the grace You give so freely. I pray that You will see me a one with an undivided heart for You.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Random Late Musings

Ok, I love those musical cards. Love them. I just bought a couple because it makes me happy to open them and listen to them. If any of you have pull on this front, let me tell you exactly what I need. I would like a card of the friendship variety that plays the theme song from "Growing Pains". Love me some BJ Thomas. Also, since I am putting in my orders, I would also like some cards of the break-up variety with the song "I'm Movin' On". Love the Rascals and the whole Flatts family. That particular card, however, should only be sold to women as stated clearly in the manufacturer's contract. I have a few more specific orders but I can just wait to see what else they will come up with. I have great anticipation. I just got my Mom a thank you card with the dorky "What a Difference You've Made in my Life". I like the song, but let us come on into the new millennium. However, Ronnie Milsap is a favorite of mine as well. So see, even on the dorky cards, I am still a fan. What can I say?

New topic:

Ran across a great quote of the week:

I gotta remember that around Thursday afternoon... Maybe even Wednesday...
New topic:
I have great people around me and I am just thankful for that. I so appreciate the goodness of God in my life and don't acknowledge that enough. I tend to view God's goodness through the lens of my circumstances rather than my circumstances through the lens of God's goodness. I try to put God in my box shaped by unfaithfulness, inconsistency, and unbelief and you know what? He just doesn't fit in that tiny little insulting box I have created for Him. Who do I think that I am trying to put the God of all good things within my parameters? I disappoint myself with this presumption that He and I should be on the same page. Let me restate that: We should be on the same page - it just shouldn't be MY page. It should be on His page and I should indeed be there with Him.
I have got to let the things go that I so desperately want to hold onto. He is good and honestly does not need me helping me with anything. Look what happened to Sarah when she decided to help out Abraham by giving Hagar to him to bring a child into the world. We have never been the same since that day and are still reaping the consequences of that decision. Do you feel, like I do, that it all depends on you? I hate to admit that I am living a lie when those thoughts enter my mind. It clearly does not depend on me and Jehovah God has everything under control without any help from me. It exposes my lack of faith and lack of dependence on Him to operate on those premises.
Father, forgive my unbelief and my unfortunate faithlessness.
Please restore unto me the joy of my salvation and
the faith just the size of a mustard seed.
I do believe that you can orchestrate the planets to revolve in perfect harmony
and make the human body hum with life and
you can most definitely orchestrate my life to bring the most glory to You.
I humbly ask that You do that so that I may honor you with my very being.
Please use me in whatever way You deem necessary
to make the most impact for Your kingdom
on those in my sphere of influence.
Please clean up the ugly places in my heart and
cleanse me with the power of your precious blood shed for me.
I ask for Your grace during this time and know with everything in me
that You remain, as always, at my side, before and behind me.
May my life speak of how great You are at all times.
You are more worthy than anything I can bring to the table.
I pray to be a reflection of your love and faithfulness.
I love you, Father.