Happy Birthday, Uncle James!
Happy Birthday, Beth!
Happy Birthday, Evan!
Happy Birthday, Maamaw!
Happy Birthday, Brad!
Happy Anniversary, Trey and Reagan!
Happy Birthday, Alex!
Happy Birthday, Luke!
Happy Birthday, Mom!
Happy Birthday, Grandma!
Happy Halloween!
Happy Birthday to Me!
Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad!
Happy Birthday, Mauri!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Birthday, Alicen!
Happy Birthday, Cass!
Happy Birthday, Amy!
Happy Birthday, Brittany!
Happy Birthday, Angie!
Happy Birthday, Charles!
Merry Christmas!
Happy New Year!!
Happy Birthday, Rachael!
Happy Birthday, Aunt Marilyn!
Happy Birthday, Holly!
Happy Birthday, Meredith!
Happy Birthday, Mandy!
Happy Birthday, Bethany!
Yes. Seriously, I have missed that many celebrations! Not that I forgot, just that there were so many, I had no time to blog about them properly. So, consider this blog entry the CHEERIEST blog entry of all times. In this posting, there are 23 birthdays, 4 pregnancies, 3 major holidays, and 2 anniversaries. I did not mention the pregnancies because some of them are still secret. Be looking for bumps in Iowa, Nashville, Kentucky, and Texas ... I'm just sayin. I personally do not have one with a baby in it so don't be looking here.
I have missed journaling on this blog and really want to try and do better with it. I used to have so much more time to spend time on things like this. Now I find myself in a job that is requiring 10-12 hours of work of some sort every day. There is a lot to this speech pathology thing. Who knew? I am not complaining because I am very very thankful for my job and I really LOVE the people I work with (Read: especially my Cassie!!) Truly I could not have asked for a better placement than where I am presently. It just takes an inordinate amount of work each week and I do find myself struggling to get it all done. Praise the Lord for work because the converse would yield very little in the way of sustenance. So we move forward with joy...
Have you been wondering about how the gym is going? Yeah, let me catch you all up on that. I mentioned before that John is "awesome" (to use a way overused adjective). Fantastic. The greatest. I enjoyed working with him for several months before...
I fell off the treadmill.
You laugh. Go ahead. I can hear you from here. I promise I had no idea I was so challenged with my gross motor skills. None. Zilch. Nada. I have never had trouble walking, running, generally moving before. I don't understand unless God is just trying to teach my humility, which I suppose is working. I fell off in mid December, yes, in front of the 5:30 crowd. Lots of sympathy because a lot of them have fallen before and broken a hip. They thought I was a trooper. Luckily, Dimples wasn't there and I have actually since heard that he has joined the military. Anyway, I fell in front of John who enjoyed the moment, but was extremely hospitable with his gym supplies and first aid kit. Let me explain that the situation could have been much worse as I was actually finished my warm up and had turned off the treadmill so it was not moving. Yes, I suppose that makes this story a hair funnier that I could fall off a non-moving treadmill. It happens. Probably to a lot more people than just me. Please lend support if this has indeed happened to you.
So, I fell off the treadmill and twisted my ankle. I think I have weak ankles. I twist them so much, I thought that was supposed to happen when you walk on them. (Just FYI, I was told of an exercise to strengthen the ankles. Dump marbles out on the ground and pick them up with your toes and set them down in a particular place. I haven't tried it yet as I have no marbles. Go ahead and insert your obvious joke here ______.) So anyway, John said to stay off of it for awhile. I did stay off of it for about two weeks and by staying off I mean that I did not run on it. Went home for Christmas in which I twisted the same ankle again while loading my bags into the car. I came back to Nashville and twisted the same ankle a final time the second week of January. Just to note, I did NOT fall the other two times!
So, I am just now kind of getting back in the swing of things. No, I am not literally swinging because that would be bad for the ankle but things are moving along nicely. I am planning on going jogging this afternoon possibly if the weather permits. Baby, it's COLD outside. (Who here loves that song? I even love Jessica and Nick's version!) Bundle up and try to stay warm.
The end of 2007 brought about some interesting things. Lots of changes. Changes in relationship dynamics, changes in communications, changes in locations, changes in focus on some fronts. Honestly, I was ready for a new year after a rough year ending. It made it all the more lovely when 2008 began. I love when a new year starts. Like everyone, I love the fresh slate. I love the open meadow on which to dance a new dance; the new journal to learn and discover new things; new friendships waiting to be cultivated. I love that clean canvas just awaiting the artist's design and swirling colors, the texture he will add and the techniques he will use to create a more beautiful work than before. I used to watch from time to time the guy, oh, I wish I could remember his name, with really curly brown hair and spoke in such a calm voice. You could totally record his voice while he paints and put babies (and adults) to sleep, I'm convinced. I am not sure how good that was for business but I would watch him craft new painting after new painting.
What I noticed was that the dark hues used in the art actually served to highlight the main idea and attraction of the painting. They served as the background to make the focal point of the painting truly the focus. It gives the painting depth. I don't know many people that focus strictly on the darks for the actually color but more for perhaps the use of darks in the picture to bring out the artist's primary focus. I'm sure there are some that, when given the chance, will get lost in the dark and the draw that it can sometimes have. I think that is missing the point. In our lives, the Lord also uses "dark hues" from time to time to help the eye focus on the primary attraction of His work of art - Him. He is our focus and by focusing on the dark periods of our lives, we fail to see the main attraction. They are there to highlight the goodness, the mercy, the grace and forgiveness of a great and mighty God. He is constantly trying to refocus us on the Main Thing. Not our job, not our entertainment, not our friends or even our family. It is not wealth or fame or public admiration or being the perfect size or finding the perfect person. It is Jesus Christ and Him alone. It is in knowing Him that our primary focus becomes brighter, more clear, more pleasing and we tend to quit hiding in the darkness and can come out into the light.
I don't know what dark hues the Lord is allowing to color your life right now. Maybe a family relationship is fractured. Maybe health issues plague you. Maybe an unexpected death has you in a deep depression. Unemployment, financial concerns, over worked, underpaid, not appreciated, misunderstood, uncared for, poor gross motor skills ... we all struggle with these very real issues for some reason. These darks are being used for a purpose. Just like the colors on the painting, these times will give you depth of character. It is all part of the Artist's vision for His work of art. I do know that these dark places are a background element and not to be focused on for eternity. I do know there is more to His creative painting of your life than the dark places on your canvas. It makes His light all the more brilliant. It pierces the darkness and makes everything else appear as but a shadow. Don't live in the shadows. Come out into the light. Let 2008 be a new canvas for you. Know there will be places of dark the characterize your painting. Know that the darks make your painting all that more beautiful. Know that when the painting is complete, your canvas will be placed in the heavenly Museum of natural art. I wonder if highlighted in the choicest of places will there be a picture of Jesus and His life hanging there, the almost incomprehensible depth of blackest and darkest of crosses serving as a backdrop but yet a mere shadow in light of the brilliant resurrection power of God's work as the focal point.
Better than Picasso, Monet, DaVinci, or Van Gogh
is the unique and perfect artistry of God,
the Creator of your life
and mine.
Psalm 139